Healthy Living Quotes Funny Hot Weather Sayings

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Heat Quotes

Quotes tagged as "heat" Showing 1-30 of 162
Roman Payne
"Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth."
Roman Payne

Victoria Aveyard
"The thing with heat is, no matter how cold you are, no matter how much you need warmth, it always, eventually, becomes too much."
Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword

Harper Lee
"Maycomb was a tired old town, even in 1932 when I first knew it. Somehow, it was hotter then. Men's stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon after their three o'clock naps. And by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frosting from sweating and sweet talcum. The day was twenty-four hours long, but it seemed longer. There's no hurry, for there's nowhere to go and nothing to buy...and no money to buy it with."
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Tom Robbins
"Louisiana in September was like an obscene phone call from nature. The air - moist, sultry, secretive, and far from fresh - felt as if it were being exhaled into one's face. Sometimes it even sounded like heavy breathing."
Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

James   McBride
"It was always so hot, and everyone was so polite, and everything was all surface but underneath it was like a bomb waiting to go off. I always felt that way about the South, that beneath the smiles and southern hospitality and politeness were a lot of guns and liquor and secrets."
James McBride, The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother

Pat Conroy
"Walking the streets of Charleston in the late afternoons of August was like walking through gauze or inhaling damaged silk."
Pat Conroy

Amy Carmichael
"One day we took the children to see a goldsmith refine gold after the ancient manner of the East. He was sitting beside his little charcoal fire. ("He shall sit as a refiner"; the gold- or silversmith never leaves his crucible once it is on the fire.) In the red glow lay a common curved roof tile; another tile covered it like a lid. This was the crucible. In it was the medicine made of salt, tamarind fruit and burnt brick dust, and imbedded in it was the gold. The medicine does its appointed work on the gold, "then the fire eats it," and the goldsmith lifts the gold out with a pair of tongs, lets it cool, rubs it between his fingers, and if not satisfied puts it back again in fresh medicine. This time he blows the fire hotter than it was before, and each time he puts the gold into the crucible, the heat of the fire is increased; "it could not bear it so hot at first, but it can bear it now; what would have destroyed it then helps it now." "How do you know when the gold is purified?" we asked him, and he answered, "When I can see my face in it [the liquid gold in the crucible] then it is pure."
Amy Carmichael, Gold Cord

Rachel Caine
"God, it was hot! Forget about frying an egg on the sidewalk; this kind of heat would fry an egg inside the chicken."
Rachel Caine

Sue Monk Kidd
"The month of August had turned into a griddle where the days just lay there and sizzled."
Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

Vera Nazarian
"Ice is most welcome in a cold drink on a hot day.

But in the heart of winter, you want a warm hot mug with your favorite soothing brew to keep the chill away.

When you don't have anything warm at hand, even a memory can be a small substitute.

Remember a searing look of intimate eyes.

Receive the inner fire."
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Jess C. Scott
"Adrian had always found it amusing that a guy could be drilling Stacia up her ass while she considered herself to be a virgin. Her intent had been to present herself as such when she found "Mr. Right."
Jess C Scott, Master & Servant

"When I feel the heat, I see the light."
Everett Dirksen

Daniel Amory
"That weekend the city blushed with a great heat wave but on Monday it rained, cooling the ache in the street's burn."
Daniel Amory, Minor Snobs

Kristin Hannah
"The heat made people crazy. They woke from their damp bedsheets and went in search of a glass of water, surprised to find that when their vision cleared, they were holding instead the gun they kept hidden in the bookcase."
Kristin Hannah, Summer Island

Aimee Bender
"Listen. Look. Desire is a house. Desire needs closed space. Desire runs out of doors or windows, or slats or pinpricks, it can't fit under the sky, too large. Close the doors. Close the windows. As soon as you laugh from nerves or make a joke or say something just to say something or get all involved with the bushes, then you blow open a window in your house of desire and it can't heat up as well. Cold draft comes in."
Aimee Bender, Willful Creatures

Samuel Beckett
"Ah earth you old extinguisher."
Samuel Beckett, Happy Days

Laura Kreitzer
"A growing heat, like a million blazing suns all focused on me, lit my insides. It felt like I was being cooked in the Gabriella Roast Cooker, me spinning around-and-around to heat my flesh evenly. For some reason I was having trouble comprehending the sudden change in my revolving world as I swelled with a horrible, billowing fire."
Laura Kreitzer, Abyss

"It's hot,' [Mulder] said, dropping on the bench beside [Scully].
'It's July, Mulder,' Garson reminded him. 'It's New Mexico. What did you expect?'
'Heat I can get at home. An oven I already have in my apartment."
Charles Grant, The X-Files: Whirlwind

Jonah Goldberg
"One upside of the heat. Kind of cool to see a cat pant."
Jonah Goldberg

Shawn Keenan
"I can't believe this heat," Abbey said, taking her tunic and pulling it over her head. Underneath was a form-fitting top that showed a figure unaccustomed to idleness or excess. Kip stared at her the way he had at the shiney curves of the steel horse back in the garage. "Can you imagine what it must have been like hundreds of years ago, when weather changed just a few times a year?" she said, wiping sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. "Yeah, it must have looked great," Kip said. "What do you mean looked great?" Abbey said, turning her eye on Kip. "Must have been great, like you said," he corrected."
Shawn Keenan, The Intern's Tale

"Appreciate daily suns because rain can reign for months."
Goitsemang Mvula

"Room temperature for one, may not be room temperature for another. It's easier to stay warm, when we are cold, as camouflage for other senses.


"The thing to do is supply light and not heat. After all, the earth isn't flat, and if we went too far, we would fall off. Since we can't predict the journey, we must enjoy the tide."
MoonChild Forty

Michael Lopp
"A common tactic of a good pro is to not acknowledge that they're the pro. This means that they don't actually have to take the heat for whatever the conflict is. The real pros, in this example, the sales folks who cut our brilliant impossible deal, aren't in the room, they're out in the field, cutting more unachievable deals. The product manager is attempting to fake out the engineers in the room by saying, "Hey, this is a tough problem that they have put us in. What are we going to do?" Brilliant bait-and-switch, no? Don't sweat it. They make less than you."
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

Michael Lopp
"The snake is the anchor in hiding and he's in the left corner. For some reason, he's got the fake anchor out there taking the heat while he sits there taking it all in. Maybe he doesn't like the spotlight. Maybe there is some strategic advantage to the room not knowing he's the man, but he is. Fortunately for everyone, the snake move only works a few times within a company before word gets out who the real anchor is."
Michael Lopp, Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager

"Whole-home heat recovery systems... extract stale, moist air from any room with water use, such as bathrooms and kitchens, then extract the warmth from it to preheat the fresh air being brought back in. The fresh air is run through filters before being pumped into all living spaces in the home. It can also be used to help cool a home during warmer months. This type of system is expensive and requires good duct runs, but is very effective."
Oliver Heath, Design A Healthy Home: 100 ways to transform your space for physical and mental wellbeing

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